Chase was genuinely the best choice for me. I wanted to stay close to home and with it really being only a 12-minute drive from home, it was perfect. And everybody here was so sweet and kind. And from the first tour that I did, it was perfect. My experience so far, I would say might be a little, I don't know... Individual. Because I can genuinely say that while every second was very hard, I loved every moment of it up until, you know, right now, so far, it's been great. There's been a lot of experiences that have been made available to us. And I've tried to do as many as I have been able to with keeping up with my course load.
All the professors are more than available to help do office hours and speak with you and just to have a conversation with you after class. So it's been wonderful. While at Chase, I took a really special interest in Trial Team. Specifically, I've been on Trial Team since my fall of 2L. It's been amazing for my public speaking skills, and being able to have a really nice foundation for you know, any future jobs and to you know, just really get comfortable in the courtroom, and kind of adapting to the evolving legal field with using Zoom more, and that Zoom format.
I've also taken a really big interest in the clinics that we have here. I've done the Kentucky Innocence Project, which was helping some of our Kentucky inmates maybe appeal their case and see what we can do for them on this kind of post-appeal side. And seeing that really helped me to appreciate the other side of the law that might not get as much attention as the prosecuting side. So both of those have been, you know, very influential in my career.
So in the past, during my 2L's summer year, I applied for an internship with the Washington State Attorney General's office as one of their law clerks. And throughout that summer, I was able to obtain my Rule 9 limited license in Washington State where I could, under the supervision of an attorney, have my own docket. And I was able to do two trials, one assisted and then one solo. And that was amazing. And through that internship, I was able to apply through their honors program, and did the interviews for that, and ended up securing a position for after graduation for an assistant attorney general.
So throughout my time in law school, it's been really easy to make friends. I think it would be more difficult to not make friends here. Of course, you have your own little group but even just passing somebody in the hallway and just saying "hi," everybody lights up. Everybody's very kind to each other. One of the more fun things that is coming up that I'll get to experience for the first time is Barrister's Ball. It's kind of like "law school prom."
Coming into law school, I was really discouraged from even applying in the first place, between not being able to emotionally handle it, the job market not being very good after you graduate, whatever it may be. But I just encourage anybody who is thinking about coming to law school to apply because you have nothing to lose and I can promise you that the next three to four years — while it may be very difficult and a lot of time studying — it's going to be worth every second of it.